Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat
Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat
Your favorite doctor, Allison, is back in a gripping hospital time-management game that you'll never forget! And neither will she...

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Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat
Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat
Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat
Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat
Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat



Ready to find out what drama Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat will bring our beloved doctor? This season picks up right after the previous compelling adventure. Things finally seem to have calmed down at Little Creek Hospital... But not for long! When Allison receives a phone call from her mother, she doesn't know what to think. She hasn't seen her mom in over 20 years! Why would she contact Allison after all this time? And what could she want? Allison is left with no choice other than to face her past, in order to discover her future... Will she have the strength to cope with everything that has happened and all that is yet to come? There's only one way to find out...
Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat
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Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat

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