The Smurf Games
The Smurf Games
Win medals in many sports: the Smurf Sprint, Smurf and Slide, Smurf and Arrows, and more!

الحجم: 128 ميغابايت
The Smurf Games
The Smurf Games
The Smurf Games
The Smurf Games
The Smurf Games

لقطات شاشة


Play games and compete in six different and fantastic Smurf events. Earn medals and move up the leaderboard. Win and unlock over 20 Smurfs, each with special skills. Be sure to earn ALL the medals to unlock Hefty, who's the best in every sport. This game has intuitive touch- and tilt-based gameplay, and is designed to challenge both younger and older players.
The Smurf Games
نزّل اللعبة والعبها
The Smurf Games

رائج الآن

شروط الاستخدام سياسة الخصوصية
اتفاقية ترخيص المستخدم إخطارات قانونية
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