Kingdoms Reborn
Kingdoms Reborn
Get resources, discover new magical techniques and show everyone that this is your kingdom now!

الحجم: 104 ميغابايت
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Kingdoms Reborn
Kingdoms Reborn
Kingdoms Reborn
Kingdoms Reborn
Kingdoms Reborn

لقطات شاشة


It's painful to witness the ruins of its former greatness! It's time to revive the kingdom! With a steady hand, sword and magic, restore order to the surrounding area and make all enemies tremble before your power and unparalleled greatness! Build and improve your kingdom, expand your territories, enhance and lead your troops and boldly send them into battle against the enemy!
Kingdoms Reborn
نزّل اللعبة والعبها
Kingdoms Reborn

رائج الآن

شروط الاستخدام سياسة الخصوصية
اتفاقية ترخيص المستخدم إخطارات قانونية
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