Welcome to Gameloft's Customer Care experience!
Dear Player,

If you have reached this page, it means you are currently banned from the game you were playing.

Some possible reasons for being banned include:
     -    Obtaining versions of the game through unofficial channels
     -    Modifying game parameters through external tools
     -    Using game bugs and exploits to speed up progress, obtain items, or unlock content
     -    Harassing other players

We remind you that you can consult Article 4 of our official Terms of Service here: http://www.gameloft.com/conditions/?lang=en.

If you have read the above and feel that you have been banned without proper cause, please take the time to contact us and explain the problem by following these steps:
     1.    File a complaint on the Gameloft Web Support page (make sure you properly select the game you are playing and select the 'Banned' category). http://support.gameloft.com
     2.    Once this is correctly filled out, you will receive a ticket ID. Insert that ID and the email address you used to submit the complaint into the corresponding text boxes below. This will allow us to identify you in our systems.
     3.    If the ticket ID and email address are valid, your application will be reviewed and appropriate measures will be taken.